Who I am.

I am Sistah P. I help my patients/clients understand that “food is medicine and medicine is food.” And that there is a direct correlation between what you eat and optimal health. I am clinically trained in food and nutrition, and I am charged with developing nutritional plans for my patients/clients to promote health and wellness, treat illness and prevent disease. I am a Nutrition and Dietetics Technician Registered by the ADA (American Dietetic Association) for over 20 years. I also have a BHA (Bachelors Health Administration) and a MBA: My greatest accomplishment to date is I am a 17 year breast cancer survivor. I have been a vegan for over four decades and I have raised children and grand grandchildren in this lifestyle choice. Let me help you make delicious, nutritious meals for you and your love ones, ‘that bring the family back to the dinner table.’ These recipes have been tried, tested, and improved upon over the last 40+ years with, family, friends, and customers.

Who we our.

Big Mama’s House is committed to offering a variety of plant-based foods that are delicious and nutritious. Our products are vegan and gluten free. They are sweetened with agave so they do not spike the Glycemic Index. And they are low in salt. Our Mission is to "Combat chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer with the essentials of plant based nutrition and diet therapy."

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